CfP: Mental Health Communication from past to present

Editors: Eva Tamara Asboth (Austrian Academy of Sciences/Universität Klagenfurt) & Natalie Rodax (Sigmund Freud University Vienna)

Submission of abstracts: 15. April 2024
Submission of full papers: 31. August 2024
Publication of the issue: Issue 2 of 2025

    This issue of medien & zeit focuses on the topic of “Mental Health Communication” from a historical perspective that builds a bridge to the present. The aim is to reflect on and discuss public communication about mental health over time. In this context, mental health communication is understood as a comprehensive complex of topics that deals with mental health issues on a cultural, state and systemic level in relation to public participation. The focus lies on negotiation processes within (global and transnational) publics and subpublics. Transfer studies between public and private spaces (such as doctor-patient contact both offline and online) can also be included in the issue as original contributions.

    CfP Horror Studies Now: A Two-Day Conference (30-31 May 2024, Northumbria University, UK)CfP

    Researchers working in the broad field of “Horror Studies” are invited to submit abstracts about their research for an in-person conference, hosted by the Horror Studies Research Group at Northumbria University (UK), on 30-31 May 2024. The event will be free to attend.

    Speakers will each deliver a 15-minute talk about their research, followed by extended discussion and questions from the conference delegation. We invite submissions from scholars at any career stage, but we particularly welcome abstracts from early career researchers and new voices in the field. The event is intended to provide a supportive space in which to develop new ideas, network, and forge new collaborations with fellow Horror Studies researchers.

    The event seeks to explore ideas and approaches that have not yet been adequately accounted for or represented in the field, encompassing (but not limited to):
    – The diversity of perspectives, identities, and voices that comprise Horror Studies and horror production
    – Independent horror production, alternative histories, and horror originating from outside of Europe and North America – The field’s methodological richness, including archival research, audience research, practice-based research, and new theoretical approaches
    – The breadth of cultural perspectives that inform Horror Studies and horror media
    – Horror in all its media forms including games, film, comics, music, social media, television, literature, art, and so forth

    We seek to foreground scholarly excellence within the field by embracing a wide range of approaches, confronting representational biases within the canon, highlighting strategies to counter these biases, and contributing to a more diverse and inclusive academic landscape. We encourage and welcome expressions of interest from members of the global majority and people from underrepresented or marginalised groups.
    Other events across the two days will include:
    – Keynote lectures by Professor Alison Peirse (University of Leeds; editor of 2020’s award-winning anthology, Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre, and the 2024 special issue of MAI, “Doing Women’s Global Horror Film History”) and Dr Kartik Nair (Temple University, Philadelphia; author of 2024’s Seeing Things: Spectral Materialities of Bombay Horror)
    – A masterclass about “hidden horror histories”, with Adam Hussam Murray (founder of Bristol Black Horror Club) and Dr Laura Mee (University of Hertfordshire; co-editor of Liverpool University Press’s Hidden Horror Histories book series and author of 2023’s Reanimated: The Contemporary American Horror Remake)
    – A publishing workshop with Dr Erin Weigand (interim commissioning editor for Film and Television Studies at Palgrave Macmillan, and recent alum of Northumbria’s Horror Studies Research Group)

    To improve access to the event, a small number of travel bursaries (of £150 each) will be available to PhD researchers, independent researchers, and scholars who do not have institutional funding for travel.

    The deadline for abstracts (250 words) is 23:59 (GMT) Friday 31 March 2024. Abstracts should be accompanied by a biographical statement (50-100 words). To submit an abstract, please complete the form at the following link:
    Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their proposal within 7 days of the deadline.

    Any questions should be directed to

    Special issue on Media Persistence (SComS, 2023)

    Thematic Section Editors: Gabriele Balbi, Berber Hagedoorn, Nazan Haydari, Valérie Schafer & Christian Schwarzenegger

    The occasion for bringing together prior interests and combining theoretical and empirical understandings of the reasons why and the different modes how media persist over time was facilitated by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) virtual post-conference. The later was (co-)organized jointly by three ECREA sections in September 2021: the Communication History section together with the sections of Radio and Sound, as well as Television Studies.

    Thematic Section: Old media persistence

    					View Vol. 23 No. 3: Studies in Communication Sciences


    The Call for Papers and the Pre-Conferences have been published.  

    The 10th ECREA ECC will be organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana (UL FDV) and the Slovene Communication Association, from 23 to 27 September 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, under the title ‘Communication & social (dis)order’

    The organisers call for proposals that contribute to rethinking communication and social (dis)order from the different perspectives of ECREA sections, networks and working groups. Proposals for individual papers, panels and roundtables can be submitted to all ECREA sections, temporary working groups and networks via the ECREA ECC 2024 submission platform until 11 January 2024. 

    The conference will support independent pre-conferences. The call for pre-conferences has now been published. Information on the individual calls and submission deadlines can be found on the conference website:  

    Looking forward to vivid and exciting proposals for panels and sessions related to our Communication History Section !